Monday, September 11, 2006

"B" Crushes

Below is an excerpt from an e-mail exhange I've been having with my sister today. There are a couple of inside references in this text, but regardless, one can come away after reading it with the following information:

1. I have a celebrity crush on James Woods (true)
2. Kate insists that I have a celebrity crush on Jeff Daniels (not true)
3. David Cooley, Grace Cooley, and our friends Matt and Kelly, continue to surprise us by
dropping random references that we even just casually have ever made. (true)

"Gross, Sarah! It really is random - Sarah Lightfoot Cooley with a crush on James Woods? How obscure of a celebrity crush is that? Name one other person you can think of who dreamed about James Woods last night or who even thinks about him. Most people dream about Brad Pitt or George Clooney. And although my Steven Tyler crush is a little odd, I've met at least 5 other girls who have the same thing for him. He's like a sick, random B actor who probably only has one admirer - - you. The same goes for Jeff Daniels (please, Sarah - Dumb and Dumber? That's so not even your kind of movie, yet the flame burns strong). Go figure.

I can't express into words how classic it is that David Cooley said, "Jeff Daniels?" There are no words... It made me laugh out loud. He doesn't miss a BEAT! And for as much as his head has always been glued to a book, newspaper or computer, he doesn't miss a single BEAT when it comes to remembering things about our childhood, litte comments I've made about Jim that I don't even remember, etc. It just hit me - that must be where Grace gets it. David literally only has to hear something once and will remember it forever (Kelly Baruth and Matt Mielke have a knack for that, as well - Brother Boy) and that's exactly the quality Grace has (spoiler) - that's where she gets it! Tell David."

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