Tuesday, January 02, 2007

You Say You Want a Resolution

New Year, blank canvas. Here goes.

Sarah's 2007 New Year Resolutions

1. Learn Spanish at a level that at least matches my kids' abilities.
2. Write monthly letters to Welcome, my cousin in the Peace Corps.
3. Get back on track writing monthly letters to Billy Ray, my pen pal on death row.
4. Get back on track taking my vitamins and supplements and medications on time and consistently.
5. Keep my exercise routine up: cardio 3 times a week, either running, swimming, or machines at the gym, weight training at least 2 times a week, yoga on Sundays.
6. Run a marathon after training with Team in Training, which raises money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation.
7. Get out and hear live music more often.
8. Play live music more often.
9. Write more, worry less.
10. Send cards, gifts and thank you notes on time.
11. Lose 5-10 pounds. Even though I exercise a lot, I eat a lot too. And I tend to agree with David: How many chins does one woman need?
12. Give Crest Whitestrips a fair shake.
13. Be more diligent in keeping my cell phone, PDA and iPod charged.
14. Get organized and all that.

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