Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Day Off? Off My Rocker, Maybe

Some people think I sit around eating bon bons on Fridays, my day off. Here's what I have lined up tomorrow, or today by the time you read this:

7:30 AM Drive Grace down to Pre-School in Pittsboro
9:00 AM Go into work for a couple of hours to deal with computer server problems, a broken air handling unit and room set up for an event on Saturday
11:00 AM Drive from Cary back to Pittsboro, pick Grace up, drive her to SFFA, and then drive to West Franklin Street for an Literacy Council planning meeting for two author reading events that we're planning for spring, Haven Kimmel, and Sarah Dessen.
12:30 PM Pick Grace up, take her to Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy
3:30 PM Pick Johnny up and take Grace and Johnny to UUMC to volunteer in the childcare room during the Red Cross Blood Drive.
5:45 PM Donate Blood
6:00 PM Drop the kids off at home and head back down to Pittsboro for a Parent Work Group at the PTA Thrift Shop
8:30 PM Finally get home to enjoy the rest of my "day off."

How do I get myself into these things?

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