Tuesday, December 05, 2006

All Kinds of Ridiculousness

The word that keeps popping up in my mind as I reflect about the party David and I attended Saturday is ridiculous. So, here's my Top-5 List of Ridiculousness from the other night:

#5 The light display in the neighbors' yards heading to the party. A ridiculous amount of
lights, to be sure, but still a visual delight.

#4 How ridiculously happy party-goers were when Sally R. walked into the room. She
herself said that it was the nicest welcome she's ever gotten.

#3 The fact that David and I drove over an hour, each way, for this party. From the
host:"It's ridiculous that you drove that far to come here."

#2 The fact that David knew neither Mr. or Mrs. Host, and that I only knew Mr. Host, from
college, but hadn't seen or spoken to him in over ten years. My dad: "Sarah, that's
ridiculous. You don't even know those people." "Yes I do. I went to college with him,
like twelve years ago." "Yeah, but you don't know...maybe he's become an ax-murderer in
the last twelve years. "Maybe. But for all he knows, so have I."

#1 On the drive back to Chapel Hill after the party. David: "That guy in the band? With the
dreadlocks? He looked ridiculous." "You do know that was a wig, don't you"


Anonymous said...

It reminded me very much of the ridiculous parties we used to have back in college. So in that sense, nothing much has changed since then.

Your husband was a good sport. Hopefully we'll meet again under in a less ridiculous situation.

Bird Spot said...

Well I hope we can meet up again too...but for the record, David was the one that kept saying, "Ok, we'll go in ten more minutes...I'm enjoying this band."

Anonymous said...

Man, you people wouldn't know ridiculous if it came up and tried to sell you a balloon full of bolts at a craft's fair. I got stuff under my sink more ridiculous than that! Get unreal!

Dan Smith said...

This is the most ridiculous blog post I've read on here yet.