Tuesday, June 12, 2007

3 Things

1. Grace's first dance recital. Johnny dressed up (hence the tux in the 'Fam Jam' video),but he got spooked when it was time to dance. So he didn't).

2. I got my first MSW assignment and it's a writing assignment. We're being asked to "write a one to two page description of your ideal social work service agency" and "unleash your wildest dreams of what services or approaches could be used by social workers in an ideal world." It won't be graded but used to discuss academic writing. Hmm. I wonder if their definition of "social work" includes the effort involved in making friends on blogger and MySpace, cooking up ways to hook people up via blogger and MySpace, and ultimately planning the reunion with every friend I've ever had. Ever. If so, this assignment is an ace in the hole.


1 comment:

Rickey said...

Wow, comparing the before and after is amazing. It's incredible to see a show's character grow up like that before your eyes