Thursday, June 28, 2007

In Search of a Purple Shirt

Today is purple-shirt day at VBS. Do you know how hard it is to find a purple shirt for a boy these days? On my way home from work yesterday, I stopped off at Target to look for a purple shirt for Johnny. I saw lots of purple girls' clothing and boys' t-shirts in every conceivable color except purple. At last I grabbed a striped button-up that had the closest thing to purple on it that I could find. Johnny took one look and said, "I hate this shirt," and David said, "That's a pretty big stretch, calling a white shirt with green and blue stripes purple." Great. The search continued. After I took the kids swimming, we all three went back to Dollar General in search for splashes of grape juice and plum wine. No luck at all. The only thing purple we saw was a XXL nurse's shirt, and for a split second, I pondered how I could make it work. Then I thought, forget it. Johnny can just wear blue tomorrow. There's only so much I'll do to make God happy. But then, unexpectedly, God made me happy. There it was: a size 4 purple button-down shirt with green palm trees at the bottom. Or was it purple? Grace said yes and Johnny said no. I asked the cashier what color the shirt was and she said "Blue. Purple. It's bluish-purple." I bought it and yes, it was 30% off too.
I was happy with my find, because, let's face it: how many guys reading this own (and wear) purple shirts? And for those of you with sons, how many of your boys have (and wear) purple shirts? We're flipping around the tv last night and land on the Larry King/Paris Hilton interview. And what color is Larry wearing? Purple.

1 comment:

Dan Smith said...

I thought my purple shirt was cool back in the 80's but I also thought my mullet was cool.