I consider kids babies, to an extent, as long as they still have those dimples on their hands right around their finger joints. Well Johnny and Grace both still have those dimples, but I think it's time to come to terms with the fact that neither of them are babies anymore. We probably won't have anymore babies and it makes me sad to think so. But also happy that our family is moving on through other phases and that we're through with blow-out diapers and colic. Sleep deprivation and strained peas. We'll hang on to stories and kisses and swinging at the park. Below is my attempt at capturing the baby years in a way that will be fun to look back on.
Autism, ABC’s
Boy, Breastfeeding, Blow-Out Diapers, Blue’s Clues, Baby Einstein, Bathtime, Bouncy Seat, Boone trips, Baby Backpack, Beach, Birthday parties, Batman, Ba Ba
Cozy Nook, Car Seats, Crocs, Crafts, Cheerios, Chocolate milk, Cheese sticks, Chunky legs, Chipmunk cheeks, Camping, Crying, Colic
Dora the Explorer, Disney Princesses, Driving around until the kids fell asleep, Diaper Bags, Daycare, Dress Up, Dancing, “Dat Dow”
Elmo, Ernie
Family bed, Furberizing, First everythings, Formula, Front Pack, Friends, Family, Fatigue
Growler (The), Gum, Gree Gree, Geesh, Gace, Gwace, Goodnight Moon, Grandmama, Granddabs, Grandma Mo, Grandpa George
Hard Toys, Hitting Johnny, Halloween costumes, Hugs, Haircuts, Happiness
Ice Cream, Irish music, Iowa Trips
Juice Boxes, Johnny Jump-Up, Ja Ja
Kindermusik, Kisses
Lammie, Learning to walk, Laughing, Letters
Miss Diane, Miss Beth, Museum of Life and Science, MerleFest, Mackins, Meltdowns
Nose wipes, Naptime, Norah Jones, “No Covers!”
Oscar the Grouch, OT, Onesies
Pacis, Physical Therapy, Playdates, PJs, Pull-Ups, Popsicles, Playing at the park, Puzzles, Preschool, Pony Rides, Pittsboro Elementary School, Potty Training, Poop toys
Questions, Quarters for Gumballs, Quesadillas
Rhino Kicker, Rocking to sleep, Reading stories, Running around our house in circles
Spanish For Fun Academy, Sesame Street, Sleep deprivation, Sleeping through the night, Sunday School, Sippy Cups, Swinging, Singing, Show And Tell, Strollers, Smiles
Teletubbies, Tummy Time, Two Babies, Time Out, Tichenors
University Mall, Underwear, “Up,” Unconditional Love
Vomitting in Public Places, Vacations
Wiggles (The), Weaver Street, Walks, Whining, “Watch ‘iss”
X-er Saucer, Xylophones
Yoly, yogurt
Zoo, Zoe (Sesame Street)