David and I are both excited by the announcement that Van Halen will be performing in G'Boro on Sept. 29 with David Lee Roth. I couldn't get David excited about going to SwillFest 2007 with me last Saturday to hear my friend's bluegrass band play live, but I've witnessed a glimmer of enthusiasm for VH, so I'm going to do what it takes to make it happen. I mean, who in their mid-30's didn't grow up loving VH, both the Roth years and the Hagar years?? It helped that I have an older brother and was influenced by what he listened to (and he was a huge VH fan) but I've liked them all along in my own right.
I've mentioned once about the great neighborhood I grew up in, but none of our tight group was prepared for the coolness that was Ben H., the neighbor that moved in next door to me in the early 80's. The neighbor with a synthesizer. Until Ben H. moved in, Ben W. was the leader, the stud, the one that girls dreamt about. But Ben H. trumped Ben W., with his long hair and single dangling earring (in his left ear) and I'll never forget the parade of kids that Ben H. led through his house back to his room where his synthesizer was, to show us just how much he deserved to be the new King of New River Heights, when he belted out the first eight bars to "Jump" soon after it was released. It was hands down, the absolute coolest thing that blew over our flip flops that summer, and it is singularly how I will forever remember Ben H.
For some reason, I never mastered the chords to "Jump," but I learned how to play on the piano every song from 5150 when Daniel got the sheet music, and I can still play the intro to "Dreams" and "Best of Both Worlds" without looking. It really would be the best of both worlds to see a live show with half David Lee Roth hits and half Sammy Hagar hits, but if I had to choose , I'd pick Diamond Dave. It's one of the most anticipated tours in rock-n-roll history. Ev'rybody wants some Van Halen love. I want some too.

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Not sure what to say. First off, i did email a friend of mine and we showed interest but i think i'm passing. I know i wrote a mean thing about VH earlier but i've cooled. I do think that Diver Down is one of my favorites by the boys. There are some hidden gems in that CD.
Good luck with the concert. David (your David) might have to step in for David L. Roth... But who knows, maybe they'll rock. Here's to them rocking!!!
I think we're in. Yeah, it's a crap-shoot as to whether DLR will even show up. I remember when all of y'all went to the VH show in, what was it, 1991? 1992? With Hagar?
You remember that we drove to Walnut Creek and waited 15 minutes. Another car came about and then a security guy said "The tickets aren't sold here."
So we drove to Raleigh and went to Crabtree and got crappy seats for staying up allnight.
THe concert was a letdown. I saw them in 1988/89 in Charlotte. That was incredible. Me and Boettcher.
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