Saturday, October 28, 2006

Happiness Is...

1. Putting your hand in the pocket of a pair of jeans you've put on for the first time this season and finding an unexpected five dollar bill...and then later at the checkout line at Walmart taking the five dollar bill out and realizing that it is really two five dollar bills.

2. Perfect parallel parking on Franklin Street during a weekday lunch hour and having a fellow motorist give you 'thumbs up' for a job well done.

3. Hitting play on your iPod during your morning run and realizing that your husband has loaded a bunch more songs...good songs, from bands you'd all but forgotten about.

4. Coming home from work on a cold, rainy, evening and being greeted by your kids who are so excited they're out of breath trying to explain to you the plot of "ET," a movie they've just discovered.

5. New posts on your favorite blogs and comments on your blog from people you didn't know read it.

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