Thursday, May 01, 2008

Hanging Up the Merle Fest Hat for Good?

David: How was it?

Me: Probably the worst one I've been to. The minute we got there, the rain/thunder/and amplified music hurt Grace's ears and she wanted to go home. Then Johnny didn't want to actually listen to any music. He just wanted to run around and play in the rain and mud puddles.
I hardly heard any music at all!

David: But that's how it is every year, only that usually I'm the one who watches the kids while you go running off listening to music.

Me: Oh. Well in that case, why bother even going? You don't care about it that much as evidenced by choosing to attend a work-related wedding than coming with us this year. There are closer, cheaper, and more fun venues to go to for me to hear music while letting the kids run around willy nilly. Yeah, I think that's our last Merle Fest for awhile.

David: Sorry it wasn't that fun.

Johnny: I had a blast.

Grace: Me too. I had a blast.


peb said...

I don't think Shakori Hills is that much cheaper. I think the price of the ticket the day I went to Shakori was $37 vs. $45 for the day I went to Merlefest. And Merlefest definitely had fewer hippie dudes walking around shirtless which I wasn't a fan of so much. You might enjoy that though.

Johnny probably enjoyed the running around and jumping in puddles aspect of Merlefest rather than the music aspect of it. Which frankly, is probably how it's supposed to be for anyone under 10. Next year, why not leave the kids at your Dad's or Kate's so you can enjoy it?

Bird Spot said...

You're right about the cost...we didn't pay anything to get into MerleFest! So maybe the solution is to take the whole fam to SH for fun for all and leave the kids behind for serious music listening at MF. We'll see.