Monday, February 04, 2008

OCLC's First Annual Writers for Readers Author Luncheon

I have been on the planning committee for this inaugural event the OCLC is putting on. Somehow I've done it again and have agreed to be one of the author transporters (a job that's a lot of work but I find fun...all the juicy stuff gets said in the car in route to these big events). I don't know which author I'll be driving around, but I'm hoping it's Patricia Marx. She's a humorous novelist and has written for Saturday Night Live, The Huffington Post, Rugrats, the New Yorker, the New York Times and on and on. I better get a read-on so I can talk to her about her work. Also I better cough up $200 so David and I can attend the reception at the home of Erskine Bowles on Feb. 17th (his birthday. Guess what he's getting? Not much of anything else). Isn't volunteering fun?

Writers for Readers
Join us for the first annual gathering to benefit the Orange County Literacy Council Featuring authors: Kim Sunee/Trail of Crumbs, Patricia Marx/Him Her Him Again the End of Him, Roy Blount, Jr.,/Long Time Leaving & Dispatches From Up South & Sally Bedell Smith/For Love of Politics: Bill and Hillary Clinton: The White House Years

A special reception
Socialize with the authors at the home of UNC President, Erskine Bowles
6:00pm-8pm Honorary Hosts: Lee Smith & Hal Crowther Jill McCorkle & Tom Rankin Laura & Daniel Wallace Tickets $100—available from OCLC, 933-2151
February17, 2008

Writers for Readers Luncheon
February 18, 2008
At the Carolina Inn
211 Pittsboro Street
Chapel Hill, NC 11:00am-1pm

Master of Ceremonies: Daniel Wallace/Big Fish & Mr. Sebastian and The Negro Magician Tickets $35—available from McIntrye’s Fine Books, 542-3030

Benefit Chairs: Shannon Ravenel & Wyndham Robertson

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