We went to Southpoint Mall today to eat out for Johnny's birthday and for David to swing by J.Crew in search of a new pair of decent pants, a pair that is suitable for his new Vice Presidency. He's shaving again regularly and he's put up his jeans and vintage tees in favor of button-down shirts and better pants. He finds a pair of not-so-cheap cords and I ask them to hold them for a few minutes while we look around at some other stores. The kids get restless, of course, so David takes them off to the bathroom or wherever it is those three like to hang out while I'm shopping. I make my way to the Gap and find a basic pair of khakis that I need as a staple to carry my wardrobe in new directions throughout the year. I need the pants but I don't need anything else. I spy a simple chocolate brown dress that I try on and it fits great. I'm all about throwing on a dress in the chaotic mornings, and the deep chocolate brown can get me through the transitional summer to fall season here. I'm already envisioning wearing it now with bare legs but throwing on a cardigan and tights as it cools off this fall. I phone David to tell him I won't be much longer and to run the potential dress purchase by him. I didn't go to the mall intending to buy a dress or even slacks, but since he was all about a new pair of pants, I thought I deserved one too and just needed permission for my dress dessert.
David hardly ever objects when I buy clothes that actually look good on me so he was all "yeah, whatever. " And then he made a comment that alluded to the fact that under the present circumstances, we'd be able to afford the new togs. Cool! David got a raise=I get a new pair of pants and a new dress! From a store other than a thrift store or Target! A dress that costs more than $5.00 and hasn't been worn by anyone ever before! Yay!
I pay for my clothes and then go by to J. Crew to pay for David's not-so-cheap pants. As I give the clerk my debit card, she asked me in a rote way, "Are you a college student or a graduate student?" I was this close to saying "no" because I've been conditioned to automatically say "no" to such questions as "Are you a teacher? Are you a student? Are you a firefighter? Are you a Republican? Do you want to get 10% off by opening a line of credit?" But then, I caught myself and I replied a little too loudly, "WAIT! I am a graduate student! Yeah, I really am." Not sure if she should believe me due to the level of my enthusiasm, she asked, "Do you have your student ID with you?" "Um, no." (I don't have that yet). "Well then, do you have a student e-mail address?" "YES! I do have a student e-mail address! I just set it up today!"
And by giving her my new UNC e-mail address, I got 10% off of David's not-so-cheap pair of pants. It was the most fun either of has had shopping for ourselves in a long time.